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AI artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence or AI referred to the stimulation of human intelligence in machine that are programmed to think and act like. human. The ultimate goal of AI is to full form task that would normally required human intelligence such as learning, problem, solving,creativity in the least time taken. The evolution of AI has been marked ...

Mental Health

Mental health simply refers to be emotional social as well as psychological functioning of an individual. It shows the ability off to cope with stress why and maintaining social contribution to the society. Mental health is essential for over all ...

Health and it’s Effects.

Health does not simply means absence of diseases or disorder. health is defined as a state of body where there is a balance between certain fluid. A person can only be healthy if his physical, mental, emotional as well as ...

Lent Days

Lent is a Christian fasting period that lasts for 40 days which does not count Sundays leading up to Easter Sunday. It began on ash Wednesday and end on holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. during this christian often ...